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About us
”My first meeting with the breed was at the age of eighteen.
It wasn´t a long meeting, probably not more than 3 minutes.
The Cairn I met was not groomed and didn´t behave him self very well. But I fell in love at first sight.”

Sometimes, people ask me, if I am going to get a complementary breed to the Cairns.
Then I say, -Why?!! To me the Cairn is complete. In the future, if I of any reason wouldn´t be able to have Cairn, I would probably get aquarium fish. (smile).

Read the article from the Swedish Kennel Clubs Magazine
” Hundsport Special ”. (Only in Swedish and a  PDF -file)

After my first meeting with the breed, it took several years before I had the possibility to buy the first Cairn of my own.
In 1975 I bought Sarimont Savannah, from Maud Montgomery. Savannah is the dog I have bougth to breed from. All my Cairns traces back to her.

Savannah was perhaps not ”the big star”, but she definitely had her qualities. With a lot of effort, I made her champion! She got *Award of sucessfull brood bitch *by the Swedish Cairn terrierclub.

My greatest interest have always been breeding. I started with rabbits, then horses and now cairns. When I´m working I do matingplans for dairycows, and I score them aswell.

I also work as a proffesional Cow- photografer. Take a look here to see some photos that I have been taken during the years. (Click on the photo)

With cows and horses it takes a lot of time before you can see some results, but with dogs you can have the opportunity to work with up to even 14 generations straight back in the pedigree. To breed Cairnterrier was obvious to me.

About us
About us

Hjo is the name of the beautiful little town that we live near by. I gave my kennel the prefix ”Hjohoo”I think it is an appropriate name for this tough and happy little terrier clown.

Now, back to Savannah. I spent a long time looking for a male to mate her with. I traveled trough all of Sweden, but none was good enough. Then finally, I found him! Ch Avenelhouse Bright Knight, an import from Britain.

This mating resulted in 4 puppies. The first one of the puppies that were borned, was a male. I liked him very much, but it was a bitch I wanted. – What is there to do? It was my first litter and the puppy-buyers weren´t exactly waiting on line, and the cairnterrier wasn´t as popular then as now. The buyers of my puppies, didn´t think he was as pretty as the others, in the litter.

What the buyers didn´t understand, is that ” A Star ”, must not necessarily be ”cute” as a puppy. And a star he was, Ch Hjohoo`s Bear. I decided to keep him, as a luxury product. Because that´s what the males are! The bitches are the important ones in the kennel. The males you can get access to anyway.
CH Hjohoo´s Bear, became International / Norduch – Nordic-winner-78. He was also the ”Cairn of the Year” in Sweden, 3 times. Best in show,at the Swedish Kennelclub and the Terrier club-shows. He also got several Best -In Show and Group placements during his career.

Savannah gave birth to only eleven puppies in her life. At last, after 5 years of waiting, a female puppy that I felt had the qaulities to keep, was borned.
Her name; International / Nordic UCH Hjohoo`s Sanna Hjohanna.
*Brood Bitch of the Year 1984, 1985*
The next year was International / Nordic UCH Hjohoo`s Hjosephine Baker born.

These two females are behind all of the Hjohoo’s dogs. Which to day, includes 324 homebred Champions.

A small advice to all of you who would like to start your own breeding; – Hasten slowly! Keep the image in your mind of what you think is the perfect Cairn.
The perfect Cairn probably never will be borned, but if you keep the image of it, all the time, you
will hopefully get very uniformed cairns to work with in your breedingprogram. I enjoy breeding and raising dogs, there is a short generationinterval and you can make a good selection.Be resolute, then you`ll get success!
Sometimes a prospective puppy-buyer is asking me about the temperament of the cairn.
It´s natural to me to breed and raise happy and positive Cairns that show and
present themselves well.
I keep all my cairns together, males, females and the puppies.This I believe is a natural way to bring them up, which will help them in there life in new families and in the showring.

In the showring I like them to be happy and alert. Without aggressiveness, that I don´t think suit the breed.
Originally the Cairns hunted the game together, without attacking each other.

”I feel very privileged in life to be able to breed and
work with the wonderful Cairnterrier.”


About us

When I met Elisabeth in the year of 2000 I was not a dog person. I am now!

I have been a breeder of Holstein dairycows all my life and with that background I have the feeling for anatomy and balance in animals. It didn’t take long before I got into the breeding of Cairnterriers. When I joined Elisabeth on dogshows I quickly feel in love with it. I enjoy competition, so entering the showring with a beautiful dog and try to present it at it’s best is very fun.

It is very inspirering to follow a litter of puppies and hopefully find a new star to keep. Mostly me and Elisabeth agrees, but if we have a favorite each, then two will stay. Alert, happy, sound and showy cairns is what we enjoy and like!


About us
Kennel Hjohoo’s Distinctions during the years.
  • Owner of The Hamiltonplaquette by the Swedish King
  • The Swedish Terrier-Club Breeders Medal
  • The Swedish Cairnterrier -Club Breeders Medal
  • 19 times Breeder of the Year By the Swedish Cairnterrier-club
  • SKK-Breeders Cup, during 8 years of competion , with top placements every year In 1992 we became # 1
  • Breeder Of The Year ,Swedish Terrier-Club
  • Cairn of the Year 20 times
  • Cairn Of The Year in America 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 & 2022
  • Dog Of The Year All Breed In Sweden 2018 & #3 2019, #4 2023
  • 29 X  World Winner, titles.
  • 3 X Best Of Breed Cruft’s, UK
  • 7 X Best Of Breed Montgomery, USA & Best In Show 2X 2 times and Best In Show 4. ( The first Cairn in 80 years who have been BIS placed at Montgomery.)
About us

We are proud to have export many winning Cairns all around the world.

England , USA , Canada, Italy, Israel, Germany, Belgium, Austria,Switzerland, Polen, Norway, Finland , Denmark,
Japan, France, Estonia, Russia, Holland, Lithuania, Romania, Scotland, Costa Rica, Ukraine, Brazil, Slovenia, Spain, Singapore, China